REVIEW: Surrogates [2009]

“Honey, I don’t know what you are” The first thing that came to my mind while watching Surrogates is how rushed it felt using technology that wasn’t quite ready to pull off what it was the filmmakers desired. Whereas James Cameron waited years to hone his computer systems to achieve the realism Avatar needed to succeed, the Hollywood machine appeared to say “screw it, we have to finish this thing now”. I don’t want to fault director Jonathan Mostow as he most certainly was just a hired hand here, but…

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REVIEW: Knowing [2009]

“What about the uncircled numbers?” Thank you Alex Proyas for not making Rose Byrne into Nicolas Cage’s love interest for your newest film Knowing. I’ll admit, from the trailers, I thought that was exactly what would happen—pretty young woman somehow falling for the crazy-haired one. It is Hollywood, so it wasn’t too far-fetched to believe. But that wasn’t the only surprise in this sci-fi thriller. No, the biggest one has to be the fact that it was pretty good. For some reason, despite the pretty great early track record for…

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