REVIEW: Trespassers [2019]

Sometimes you just can’t stop what’s coming. The film opens on an affluent white couple living close enough to the Mexican border for another character to later say, “You can’t open the door to strangers in today’s society.” They’re awoken by three men in masks made to look like MS-13 gang members, dragged out, and put in the trunk of a car before being shot dead by the side of the road. The MAGA allusions are therefore present from the start with pretty Malibu types falling victim to violent “cholos”…

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REVIEW: Saw V [2008]

“Everybody deserves a chance” Wow, did a Saw film get beat out by a bunch of Disney tweeners for the top spot? Maybe the tide has changed and the blood and gore doesn’t quite hold up on the scare factor versus singing and dancing kids … hey that scares me more too. Saw V has arrived anyways, though, and it continues the intricate storyline very well. While that story ties together nicely, the film itself is not up to par. I believe this is the first of the series that…

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