REVIEW: Hillbilly Elegy [2020]

We don’t really use that term. If you’re able to get past J.D. Vance‘s unwavering desire to clarify everything he writes as being about the plight of the “white working class” as though the hardships his demographic face aren’t the same as those of minority populations (or that he’d have us believe they’re worse), Hillbilly Elegy the memoir can prove to be a rather damning treatise on America’s consistent ability to let its most desperate citizens down. You can’t blame people for thinking that “if” is too big, however, once…

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REVIEW: Minor Premise [2020]

We have to protect the work. The most important memory for audiences to remember is the one Ethan (Sathya Sridharan) specifically tried to forget. His father (Nikolas Kontomanolis) is sitting at a desk telling him how things work in academia. Any idea, theory, or experiment that occurs in pursuit of a university-driven project belongs to said university. And since Paul is the head of the department, it all belongs to him. That’s not to say Ethan won’t get credit—scientific papers often have multiple authors and names listed below the person…

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