REVIEW: Stanleyville [2022]

The true value is the challenge. Maria (Susanne Wuest) is jolted awake by a hawk flying straight into the window of her corner office. Only she seems to notice while the rest of her drone-like coworkers type away at their keyboards. Where some might have laughed out of shock or disregarded the event as one more example of man’s intellectual superiority over the animal kingdom, however, Maria sees aspiration. That bird cracked its skull because it was free. It believed itself able to fly anywhere that appeared open and was…

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REVIEW: Ich seh, Ich seh [Goodnight Mommy] [2015]

“She’s not our mom” It’s difficult to tell if Severin Fiala and Veronika Franz‘s Ich seh, Ich seh [Goodnight Mommy] fails at hiding its secret or if I’ve simply watched too many psychological thrillers to stop myself from breaking through their subterfuge for the truth. Either way, I knew what was happening about ten minutes into the film. I blame my not understanding German and thusly reading subtitles—losing the nuance of unencumbered viewing devoid of the text constantly stealing my attention and giving pause. The way Lukas (Lukas Schwarz) and…

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