REVIEW: Murder at Yellowstone City [2022]

You killed hope. Nobody in the Montana Territory circa 1881 is watching a former slave like Cicero (Isaiah Mustafa) walk into town without keen interest. That goes for friends and foes alike. Luckily for him, Yellowstone City is a progressive settlement in many ways. It has its fair share of racists and bigots to be sure, but you can’t help feeling heartened as far as seeing a saloon owned by a gay couple (Richard Dreyfuss‘ Edgar and John Ales‘ Mickey) who act as fathers to wayward souls like the young…

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REVIEW: Skyline [2010]

“What happens when the rest of the blinds fall?” How long does it take an alien invasion to wipe out Earth? According to the Brothers Strause (Colin and Greg, who last gave us Aliens vs. Predator – Requiem—a worse movie than this), less than three days. In that time, Matrix-like Sentinels morphed into a biometric composition a la “skin job” Cylons, can enter our atmosphere, mesmerize all who look into their light, and suck them up, leaving the streets and buildings below vacant. It all happens out of nowhere at…

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