REVIEW: The X-Files [1998]

“Survival is the ultimate ideology” I’m not sure if there’s ever been another television show besides “The X-Files” that received a cinematic adaptation while still on the air. It’s a testament to the property’s popularity and the studio’s faith because green-lighting it couldn’t have been an easy decision. While it must stay relevant to the story being unraveled since a new season will follow, it also must possess an appeal unbeholden to what came before to attract a wider audience. In my mind The X-Files succeeds at delivering the former…

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REVIEW: A Film About Coffee [2014]

“Coffee people have to be sexy” I am not a coffee drinker. I don’t even really like the smell of the stuff either despite that usually being what non-drinkers do enjoy about the hot, cold, compressed, dripped, or frozen beverage sold almost everywhere in the United States. So to say I was completely unaware of the process that occurs to put its aromatic brown liquid into your porcelain cup is an understatement. Not only did I know nothing beyond beans grinding into a power steeped in water, I didn’t care…

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