REVIEW: Laid Off [2010]

“Come in here dude, they’re giving away free money” “That’s what severance is?!” This line is at its core the backbone to what John Launchi’s debut film Laid Off shows us about the culture of climbing the corporate ladder and never stopping to look at what it is you are actually doing. Dealing with the “quarter-life crisis” as the press kit coins, this comedy is relatable to any twenty-something out there that has ever questioned the direction their life was headed. Landing a cushy job in finance to support a…

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REVIEW: The Karate Kid [2010]

“They call me Ping Pong Dre” Not only does Sony have the audacity to remake a classic 80s film from my childhood such as The Karate Kid, they change the heritage from Japan to China and the titular karate to kung fu. At one point the new movie was named The Kung Fu Kid, an appropriate alteration considering the very disparate cultures being utilized, but wait, we are dumb Americans that don’t know the difference between the two anyway. China and Japan? You mean Asia right? Don’t they all practice…

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REVIEW: Splice [2010]

“I guess we’ll find out from the autopsy” If you play with science you might get burned. Or is that fire? I guess the former is just as appropriate, especially when concerning a sci-fi horror flick such as Splice. Science can be very dangerous and absolutely uncontrollable like the flame scorching all in its path. Vincenzo Natali’s film may on the surface appear to be a message-driven story dealing with the moral quandaries of genetic manipulation, but it’s truthfully more a psychological study in growing up within captivity and what…

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